
How do I get a refund from EVA Air?

If you are looking for the information about getting a refund from EVA Air after a flight cancellation due to urgency then this is the right place for you to know more details. EVA Air gives the choice to passenger of cancelling a booked flight in emergency and applying for a refund in exchange to it. Many people do not have the accurate knowledge about the refund rules determined by EVA Air Reservations for a cancelled fight ticket. Therefore all the people who are not much informed about the policy to get refund for a cancelled ticket on EVA Air they can collect the appropriate details about same from below.

Learn the process to get your refund from EVA Air?

At the time a passenger decides to cancel a booking on EVA Air due to the occurrence of emergency then the only thing which they get worried about is receiving refund for it. Hence if you too are thinking that how do I get a refund from EVA Air? Kindly learn the process to apply for a refund on EVA Air as discussed below:

  1. · Visit the official website of EVA Air on your browser
  2. · Then navigate to Plan & Book section on EVA Air home page and go to Book online tab
  3. · Further scroll down the list under Booking online and select Refund application/inquiry
  4. · Afterwards, you have to enter your ticket number in the assigned field
  5. · Then also type your first name and family name in the respective fields
  6. · After that, press log in button and then follow the onscreen instructions to apply for refund
  7. · Hereafter you will get the refund from EVA Air within the stipulated time limit after the request

Know the refund policy of EVA Air for a cancelled ticket?

The rules for receiving refund after canceling a flight ticket are mentioned under the EVA Airlines cancellation policy which is separately maintained by them. Hence the policy of EVA Air for giving the refund to passengers is discussed below:

  1. As per the refund policy of EVA Air a passenger needs to send a refund request to them for receiving the money back after cancelling a flight ticket with them
  2. Passengers can send a refund request on EVA Air either through the official website of the airline or by connecting to its reservations support center
  3. EVA Air process the refund to the passengers after a flight cancellation within 7 days of request when the original payment is done by online mode through cards
  4. On the other hand, EVA Air takes around 20 days for refunding the cancelled ticket fee after a request by passengers when the original payment is done by cash or cheque
  5. Moreover, EVA Air gives back the refund to the passengers for a cancelled ticket after the deduction of applicable service charge from it

Moreover, the additional assistance is available through EVA Air customer service number to the passengers who have any further query related to a new or existing booking with them. EVA Air also offers support to the customers via service center in relation to provide them the adequate information about the extra service they provide to the passengers on a flight.

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